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It’s that time of the year when we come together and celebrate the most special man in all our lives, whether that’s showering him with gifts, buying him cards, taking him out for a meal, or buying him that pair of socks! 

The father figures in our lives all come in different forms and shapes, and have lasting impressions, who have supported us through all different times in our lives! Whether they are our biological fathers, stepfathers, or mentors, it’s time to celebrate them! 

Save your dad from the cooking and make this Father’s Day one to remember with our Father’s Day three-course Sunday lunch, with all the trimmings along the side. As we know Dad’s love a roast!

Do you know where and when Father’s Day was founded? 

Right in the YMCA in Spokane, Washington, in 1910. Sonora Smart Dodd had the idea in 1909 while listening to a sermon on Mother’s Day, and thought, why can’t the father’s have one? President Calvin Coolidge gave his public support to Father’s Day in 1924 and only in 1972, president Nixon established it as a national holiday, where we celebrate Father figures and show our love and affection. 

One of the best ways to show someone you love is with an experience, and what better way to make memories than with our Father’s Day three-course Sunday lunch…

Our Father’s Day three-course Sunday lunch offers traditional dishes crafted to perfection with a laid-back ambiance, making it an ideal occasion to celebrate Father’ Day. A truly perfect time to gather the family together and create lasting memories over a delicious roast.

Book with us today for five-star excellence, in food, atmosphere, and memories.