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COP26 is in full swing, and it is impossible to ignore the urgency of climate change. Experts say we have less than a decade to save our planet from the dangers of global warming. The Lowry Hotel regularly takes steps to reduce our carbon footprint, and we have lots of tips and advice to share with you, which you can implement in your day-to-day life.

As a five-star hotel we find it important to be as sustainable as possible. Find out more about what we do here.


What You Wear

Every year the fashion industry uses 93 billion cubic meters of water – enough to meet the consumption needs of five million people. Fashion trends are cycling faster than ever with the rise of social media and online shopping. Traditionally, shops and designers would release new collections seasonally, usually twice a year. However, in the modern fast-fashion climate, collections are being released weekly or monthly, with some retailers even listing new items every single day. It's easier than ever to access these designs; due to the nature of the fast-fashion process they are often cheap and readily available at the tap of a phone.

Clothing often ends up in landfill as trends die out. However, we all know how fashion trends cycle around. Next time your coat or shirt goes ‘out of style,’ why not store it away for a few years until the trend cycles back? Another fantastic way to promote sustainability is through buying second hand. Many online selling platforms have emerged over the past few years, and hand in hand with traditional charity and thrift shops, you can easily source a whole new wardrobe for a cheaper price whilst also saving the planet. If you are looking to buy new, there are lots of sustainable, carbon neutral brands out there. A few minutes of research online can enlighten you on a brand’s environmental policy so you can make an informed decision and help take a step towards slowing climate change.


Travel and Transport

For many of us, a car is the easiest way to get around, but when it comes with such a big environmental impact, is the convenience really worth it?

Whenever you can, try and choose public transport. Busses, trains, and trams are easily accessible in most of the UK, and they are much more environmentally friendly than cars. Although, if you do prefer to use a car, try and make the switch to a low-emission hybrid or electric model and carpool where you can, to reduce the number of cars on the road. If you are a user of an electric car, you will be right at home at The Lowry Hotel as we have several charging points right outside of our front door, ready for you to use.


Around the Home

There are many slight changes all of us can make in our day to day lives which will contribute to creating a sustainable world. If you are fortunate enough to have the opportunity, installing solar panels and insulating your home are some high impact changes you can implement. However, we understand that this is not possible for everybody, so we have some other ways you could help.

Take advantage of recycling schemes and recycle where you can – compost food waste; ensure you rinse out tins and bottles before recycling as this increases their usability; and reuse products and containers, when possible, to extend their life and prevent the need for more.

Your diet affects the environment. Studies report that meat eaters in the UK consume almost double the world average, and it is a well-known fact that the livestock industry generates a massive carbon footprint. Of course, undertaking a whole diet overhaul is a big ask which many of us would not be happy with. An easy compromise is trying to commit to one or two meat-free days per week or taking on the ‘flexitarian’ diet which emphasises avoiding animal products most of the time, aside from the occasional treat. Don’t worry – even a fully plant-based diet can provide all your essential nutrients and there is plenty of information and recipes online to help you out.

Use your appliances on their most eco-friendly setting. We have access to detergents which reduce the need for a high-heat wash, so opt for these and use things like your washing machine on a lower heat in order to save on energy. Furthermore, attempt to fix appliances when broken (always consult an expert), rather than buying new as extending the life of your appliances reduces the need for production of new ones.

Another easy change you can make is buying a water filter. You can get filter jugs for cheap and refill them daily then store in the fridge for a supply of cold, clean water. Use this to fill up a reusable bottle when you head out, and soon you will no longer be needing to purchase landfill destined single-use-plastic bottles!


What We Do

The Lowry Hotel is committed to reducing our carbon footprint and becoming as sustainable as possible. We are part of a toiletry recycling scheme in which part-used soaps from hotel rooms are sent to a recycling plant where they are thoroughly sanitised, re-shaped, and pressed into new bars which are then distributed to charities across the globe.

We focus on sourcing our food and ingredients from local, sustainable suppliers, as well as changing our menus seasonally in order to be able to use seasonal produce! Also, we have our own beehive with The Bee Centre which allows us to have sustainable and ethical honey to use in various drinks and dishes, whilst helping to keep bee populations up, and bees pollenating our local wildlife.


To save the planet every one of us must do our part – let's make this change together!